Store Bought Eggs vs. Fresh Farm Eggs

When you go to the grocery store no doubt you will find "fresh eggs.

Did you know that grocery store eggs are a minimum of 6 months old before they even hit the shelf? "This is a very important fact most people don't realize. As they sit they loose there nutritional value and all you have left is an empty egg.  

The richness of the yolk you can clearly see when you crack open a farm fresh egg. These yolks are a deep orange color which comes from the better diet.  These chickens are left to roam around naturally and maybe eat a few bugs.  They are given healthy supplements such as scraps from the garden and a healthy diet.  This happy atmosphere rewards you with a egg that is rich and deeply filled with nutrients your body needs. 

Label Differences

Now hold on you might say, what about the eggs labeled "cage free" in the store?  These chicken are usually crammed together in a large warehouse with no space to move and receive little light and no natural feed.

USDA Organic and pasture raised or cage free labeled eggs according to the United States Humane Society are actually given outdoor access and walking space.  This does not mean they are fed well or treated well, and of course don't forget that these eggs still are at least 6 months old before you can get them, and vastly depleted from its nutrients.

Store bought eggs come from a chicken factory where the chickens are caged up in a small cube not aloud movement and do not go outside.  The result is thin shelled eggs with depleted nutrition and life given energy drained from it.  

You are what you eat.  If you fill your body with these empty eggs you too are filled with emptiness and not nutritious life giving nutrients.

Nutrient Differences

Farm Fresh eggs

  • higher vitamin D
  • lower in cholesterol
  • higher in omega fatty acids
  • higher in beta-carotene
  • higher in vitamin E
  • higher in vitamin A
  • lower in saturated fat

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